Monday, June 2, 2008

The Potty Chronicles

So today was the big day. We started potty training. Peyton has a few weeks off from "school" so I decided it would be a productive time to give it a try. He also has been waking up very dry in the mornings so I'm thinking physically he's ready for it. So as first days of potty training goes I suppose it's been a good one. No big developments in the potty, but I think he kind of gets the concept. One very big lesson learned today....when Peyton says "poo" it doesn't necessarily mean he needs to go "poo"...most likely it means he already take off the pull ups with caution as you might find yourself cleaning a bigger mess than anticipated! ha! I hope to have fun stories everyday to share with you with the ending being I have the genius son I know I have and we'll be trained within the month! Wish us luck!

As I was about to end this post Peyton reminded me to update you of a very fun thing he's for him not for us. He's officially a climber. He climbs anything and everything and at the moment is hysterically crying because I won't let him climb my chair. Let the fun begin.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the training. Remember we had to promise Brad a Dukes of Hazzard car as his reward and he certainly didn't forget that!!

Love ya, Nana