Friday, October 24, 2008

It's potty time!!

Ok this is just a quick F.Y.I. Peyton pottied in the big boy potty today!! Total fluke I'm sure, but at least we're one step closer. And at least he now realizes it's ok for him to go there. He's always really scared to sit on the potty, but today he was squealing and jumping after he did it. Priceless!!!


Wendy said...

Wooot! Baby steps...just remember potty training is not a's more like a really really long marathon! :) Dillon "potty trained" himself shortly after my sugeries with help from my mother-in-law and my mom (I did none of the work...that was a treat since for the 6 months prior I had been pulling my hair out at his non-interest!) So, yes, he was a 3 years and 1 month old...but he did it himself, in his own time...he still is wearing pullups at night (and has been dry every morning for a week now) and he STILL gets excited about a big poo....but he is TRAINED...and I will never have children in diapers again...ahhh...a good feeling! :) We wish you all the luck in the world with the potty training...he will get there... :)